How We Help

Simplify Symptoms & Medical Terms

Explain Diagnoses & Treatments

Empower Your

Feeling lost?

Making tricky health decisions for your pet is confusing at best, and downright scary at its worst. But you don’t have to go through this challenging decision-making process alone.

With clarity, you can be
your pet’s best

Since our pets can’t tell us what they feel, a quality of life assessment is the best way to understand how they’re feeling through the eyes of an experienced vet. A consultation gives your pet a voice — and gives you peace of mind.

Choose Your Assessment


Navigating Cancer
& Serious Illness

Learning that your pet has a serious illness is heartbreaking. When you have clear answers about your pet’s condition, however, you can make the best decision for their care with confidence.

You’ll gain a clear understanding of your pet’s:

  • Specific diagnosis

  • Symptoms and quality of life

  • Prescribed medications and treatments


End-of-Life Decisions

It’s normal to feel paralyzed by choice when your pet is facing a critical health issue. With our perspective and guidance, you can meet these obstacles and come to a solution that feels right and honors your pet.

You’ll gain a clear understanding of your pet’s:

  • Unique health situation

  • Overall quality of life

  • Objective and compassionate end-of-life guidance


Caring for Senior Pets

Just like us humans, our pets’ health fluctuates as they age. But how can you tell if your pet’s behavior or body changes are a normal part of aging or something more serious?

You’ll gain a clear understanding of your pet’s:

  • Symptoms or changes in behavior

  • Pain and discomfort levels

  • Overall quality of life

How it Works



Schedule Your Consultation

Select a date and time where your pet and all family decision-makers can be present.


Share Your Pet’s Story

Tell us about your pet. Upload or email any relevant medical files about your pet’s health.


Gain Clarity

Come to your session ready to unpack a list of your biggest questions about your pet’s health.

“I found an incredibly empathetic person on other end of the line…

While I've had to say goodbye to pets before, the recent passing of my dog Sadie proved particularly difficult for me to do. Over the span of 3 months, I made the decision to go forward with it — only to then change my mind — time and time again.

With each call to Dr. Randall, I found an incredibly empathetic person on the other end of the line who understood the gravity and difficulty of the decision I was so clearly struggling to make.

I said goodbye to my beautiful, faithful girl on the most beautiful day yet of the year.


Struggling with something different?

While these are the most common reasons pet owners seek our help, they aren’t the only reasons. If your pet has a different issue you’d like to discuss, contact us to share their unique situation and see how we can help.


Why wonder when you could have peace of mind?

Let’s work together to help your pet.